

  • AuthorSymplx Studio
  • Date 16 January 2011
  • CategoryGeneral Blog

I was driving in Baltimore City the other day and i took notice of a homeless man’s sign that reads “I Am Hopeless”. There was something gripping about those choice words. I felt compelled to take the thoughts a little further and decided to get the real story of some of these homeless people in DC. You can’t judge a book by its cover.  They are not all homeless by choice, their story needs to be heard. Bring hope alive for them. If you would like to reach out to these people, feel free to contact me.

John Griffin

Steve (Uncle) – 62yrs old

I have a daughter and I want to be there for her. “It’s very tough out here”

“I could use a job… Most of us are not here by choice.” He stays in a shelter in DC

His name is Al… I lost my job and house. I’m at the shelter till I get back on my feet

“I have Cancer…” “By the Grace of the good Lord, I’m gonna be alright”

He’s recovering from being homeless… Still looking for a job

Trying to balance live between shelters. He too has a story.

“If nothing, We have each other” “You can find us here everyday”